A statement regarding the potential closure of Monkseaton High School is available to download from the Parent Letters and Key Publications section of the website.

Governors at WBHS challenge and support the Leadership Team to provide the very best education for all students


    Governors at Whitley Bay High School play a key role in ensuring that the school provides the best possible education for every child through a balance of support and challenge to the leadership of the school.

    Whitley Bay High School Governors help to set the school priorities through methodical analysis of outcome data and other more subjective measures of success. This helps Governors to collaboratively work with school leaders to drive improvement to ensure Whitley Bay High School remains an outstanding school for its students.

    The Governing Body at Whitley Bay High School helps to ensure the school provides a broad and balanced curriculum to allow students to develop personally and academically throughout their time at the school. This allows our students to progress onto a variety of different destinations at both Post 16 and Post 18 level.

    Our Governing Body consists of a highly skilled group of individuals who have volunteered to bring their professional background and knowledge to the school to help support the school leadership to deliver the highest quality education for the students at Whitley Bay High School.  

    The role of a governor, alongside attending a Full Governing Body meeting every half-term, also includes being a member of one of the sub committees. These are; Curriculum and Student Affairs; Staffing, Staffing Wellbeing and Development and Finance and Premises. These committees also meet every half-term.

    This is only a brief introduction to the requirements of being a governor and more information (including website compliance governor information), can be found in this section of the website, but also by contacting Sharon Armstrong, Clerk to the Governing Body at sharon.armstrong@whitleybayhighschool.org 

    If you are interested in becoming a governor please also contact Sharon at the school on 0191 731 7070.

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