A statement regarding the potential closure of Monkseaton High School is available to download from the Parent Letters and Key Publications section of the website.

Whitley Bay High School will host online Parents Evenings using Schoolcloud

Schoolcloud Parents' Evening

We use an online Parents Evening video platform called SchoolCloud.  This is the best available product in providing a purposeful meeting in a user-friendly way and has been positively evaluated by both parents and teachers. 

The video below from SchoolCloud summarises the process and demonstrates how to use the online platform. Please ensure  you view this in advance of booking appointments.

A pdf copy of instructions is also available to download below. 

In order to make your appointments, you will need to have your details ready and use the link below:  


 Please note the following:  

  • Appointments are made on a first come first served basis during the times outlined below.  

  • A text message will be sent to alert you on the morning of when appointments can be made  

  • A text message will be sent to inform you on the day that appointments will close.   

  • Appointments are controlled externally by SchoolCloud and are 6 minutes long. These are kept to a strict time limit. Therefore, please ensure you log on before the start of the allocated time in order to use the full 6 minutes. Logging in late reduces the time available as the meeting end time remains fixed.  

  • A timer will be used to ensure you are aware of how long is left of the meeting.  

  • Parents living separately can attend meetings together, but the school ‘Priority Contact’ must invite the other parent. Parents living separately who usually attend individually can continue to do so.   

  • If we experience technical difficulties on the evening, teachers have contact numbers and will call you directly as an alternative.  

  • As in real life, your child is welcome to attend. Please share with the teacher who is attending the meeting if it is more than the person on the video screen. 

  • A mobile phone, tablet, laptop or desktop can be used, but please check your device has access to a microphone and preferably a camera prior to your meetings.  

  • Conversations must not be recorded. 

Please use the Contact Us form below, or contact the front office directly if you require assistance.    


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