We are entirely committed to inclusion and creating a climate without bullying or value judgments


We are a school that encourages individuality and self-expression in all appropriate ways and we place positive relationships at the heart of everything we do. For this reason, we do not have lengthy rules about our students' appearance. However, we are also entirely committed to inclusion and creating a climate without bullying, or students being the subject of value judgments. Likewise, we are an institution that does not allow its students to exclude or marginalise themselves from it. For this reason, we have "non-negotiables" regarding key aspects of appearance and expect that, in return for our relatively liberal approach, students and parents respect and do not challenge these.

For inclusion and health/safety reasons we do ask that students polo t-shirt and sweatshirt has the WBHS school logo on, along with the PE uniform. As outlined in the leaflet below, this can be bought from Anne Thomas or Emblematic. Other aspects of the uniform can be bought at any shop, as long as it fits the criteria outlined below. If for any reason you need support with buying school uniform for your child, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's Head of Year.

Below outlines our non-negotiable requirements in relation to school uniform:


Plain black, full length, appropriate school trousers. Please note that the following are not acceptable:  leggings, faded/grey trousers, casual trousers in any other colour or fabric and sportswear such as joggers  or tracksuit bottoms, or combat style tracksuit bottoms. Appropriate/discreet belts are acceptable. 


Plain white polo shirts with school logo. The following are not acceptable: other shirts in any colour, including  sports shirts, tee shirts and aertex tops.  


We do not recommend skirts for school wear as they tend to be short and impractical. However, if students  wish to wear them, black skirts of decent length with thick black tights (not footless tights) are acceptable.  


Navy blue sweatshirt  with school logo. Students should NOT wear any other sweatshirt. Cardigans and jumpers should NOT be worn. Students must wear a school polo shirt underneath a school sweatshirt. 

*hoodies have been discontinued but can still be worn by current Year 10 and Year 11 students.

Shoes and Socks 

Plain black, sensible shoes, or plain black trainers (with no other colours or logos). Casual footwear or trainers  in other colours are not acceptable.  

Coats and Bags 

Students can obviously wear outdoor coats to travel to and from school. These must not be sweatshirts or  hoodies unless they are the school sweatshirt or hoodie. Outdoor coats must be removed when students  are in school. Coats must not bear large graphics or writing on the front or back. Denim jackets should not  be worn.  Students will need a suitable bag to carry books, equipment, PE kit etc. Expensive designer bags are not  advisable. The local police strongly endorse this statement as such items can put students at risk on their  way to and from school.  


Elaborate or expensive items or jewellery must not be worn at school. For safety reasons, only small studs  are acceptable and these will have to be removed for physical education. Also for safety reasons, other  types of body piercings are inadvisable. 

Parents are advised to ensure that all items of clothing worn to school are clearly marked with the student’s name. Our school does not have insurance cover against loss, theft or damage to students’ property, and  for this reason, students are advised to keep coats, bags, and other belongings with them at all times. For  the same reason, expensive items of clothing and jewellery should not be worn or brought to school. Police  advise marking all personal property (including coats) in such a fashion that can be identified. 

ID cards must be carried at all times.  

PE Kit  

The following items will be required by the students in order to fulfil the PE curriculum safely and  comfortably:  

  • Navy Blue Jogging Bottoms with Logo or 
  • Navy Blue Leggings with Logo or 
  • Navy Blue Football Shorts with Logo  
  • Navy Blue/Red Top with Logo  
  • Navy Blue/Red Mid-layer Top Logo  
  • Navy Blue/Red Waterproof Jacket with Logo (Optional) 
  • Navy Blue Football Socks (Optional)  
  • Training shoes, with laces that fasten safely and which are cushioned for varied impact work are vital.  

Optional PE Kit: 

  • Gum shields for hockey and rugby if played in club or match situations.  
  • A badminton, table tennis and tennis racket is also beneficial so that students can play using better quality equipment. These can be kept in the PE office as long as they are named.  
  • Appropriate footwear for an activity on the curriculum can be used, for example football boots, rugby  boots or hockey trainers. 

Further Information: 

Students are encouraged not to leave their kit around school or loan it to friends as this can cause problems and it can be difficult to trace. We encourage students to have their name in their PE kit to ensure it is easily identified. Students should also wear kit when unwell or injured as they are still part of the lesson.  For health and safety reasons, jewellery (including body piercing) must be removed or well taped over during  PE lessons. 

Parents are reminded that the school cannot accept responsibility for items lost or damaged,  such as personal devices and mobile phones.  

At Whitley Bay High School, our priority is a high quality education for all our students. For this reason  we intend to ensure that tutorial and lesson time is used effectively for the benefit of students. It is  unacceptable for teachers to have to use valuable teaching and learning time debating with students  whether or not they are wearing correct school uniform. To avoid such situations, which disrupt effective  teaching and learning and can damage relationships, parents are expected to ensure that students wear  the correct school uniform.  

Basic school equipment: 

To maximise learning in every lesson it is important that students bring in a school bag with basic equipment which includes: 

  • a pen
  • a pencil
  • a geometry set
  • a pencil case
  • a scientific calculator.

Please contact the school if you need any support with uniform or equipment items.

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