Students and Parents should use the information on this page when choosing options for GCSE

Year 9 Options

Welcome to the Year 9 Options page of our website. This page contains all the information you will need as a family to help make option choices for GCSE study.

This web page contains documents to download and a presentation which will help students and parents when choosing options for next year.  All students will have a Year 9 Options Assembly on Wednesday 8th of January 2025 where we will issue the Options Booklet and go through the process with students. All students study English, Mathematics and Science (Core Subjects). In addition, students will select and place in rank order six option subjects that will ultimately lead to become the four subjects they will study in Yr.10 and Yr.11. This will be completed using a Microsoft Form which is texted to parents. 

The deadline for returning the form is the 31st of January.

In their six ranked options, students must select at least one subject from Geography, History, French, German and Spanish

The GCSE option subjects are listed below (any subject with a * has the same weighting as a GCSE subject, but is classed as a vocational course):

The option subjects:

  • Art and Design 
  • Art and Design Textiles 
  • Business
  • *Child Development 
  • Computer Science 
  • Design Tech. (Electronics)
  • Design Tech. (Timber) 
  • Design Tech. (Paper and Board) 
  • French
  • Drama 
  • Food Preparation and Nutrition 
  • *Health & Social Care
  • Geography 
  • German 
  • Music
  • History 
  • *Information Technology 
  • *Sports Studies
  • Physical Education 
  • RE/Philosophy and Ethics
  • Spanish

We hosted a Year 9 Parent Options Evening on Thursday 9th January 2025 where we carefully went through the process with parents including how to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum. This is available below, for those who were unable to attend, or would like to hear some of the key messages again. It also includes views of our students who have been through this process.

In the weeks following the Options Information Evening each student will have an individual options meeting with a senior member of staff. At this meeting the student’s Personal Profile alongside previous Progress Check information will be discussed and their four options will be confirmed. 

The guiding principle of our process is finding the most appropriate route through Key Stage 4 for each child to give them the best chance of success at 16. Therefore, the options meeting will focus on the student’s interests, current level of effort in their subjects, long-term ideas about careers and the way they like to learn. 

We welcome conversations with parents during the process and will do our best to answer queries quickly. However, with a large year group, we ask for your patience if some research is required before we can respond. At each stage in the process you will be kept informed. Do not hesitate to contact Naomi Anderson, Head of Year, with any queries.

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