A statement regarding the potential closure of Monkseaton High School is available to download from the Parent Letters and Key Publications section of the website.

Strong relationships are at the heart of our success

Vision, Ethos and Strategic Objectives

School Vision:

  • for all of our students to enjoy learning, develop skills and deepen their knowledge to be successful through a broad and rich curriculum. 

  • to use evidence informed practice that inspires all learners 

  • to achieve outstanding results and ambitious destinations 

  • to create an inclusive and safe environment through respectful, positive relationships, mature behaviour and purposeful learning 

  • to support students to become healthy, well informed and socially aware individuals 

  • to lead with moral integrity at all levels to create a safe and exciting climate where everyone can achieve their potential 

School Ethos

Our aim is to develop:

  • Happy, self-confident, life-long learners
  • Learners ready to embrace change
  • Learners who make a positive difference to the local and global community

This will be achieved through our innovative and inclusive approach to Teaching and Learning alongside our supportive pastoral system



Maintain a broad and balanced curriculum that meets the needs of students

Maintain and seek to show continuous improvement in academic standards as measured by:

· Progress 8

· Attainment

· Post 16 Level 3 Value Added

. Post 16 and Post 18 Destinations

Move towards year on year improvement in the full E-bacc %


Set and maintain an on-going 3 year balanced budget through continued robust financial control. To achieve this:

· Develop a workable plan for National Funding Formula

· Show proactive management of student numbers

· Maximise external income

· Despite age and condition of building strive to maintain a high quality environment for our students and staff

· Provide oversight of the strategic objectives and operational goals of the new school build


· Nurture a safeguarding culture across all aspects of school life


· Continue to develop innovative teaching and learning including the use of new technologies for the benefit of both staff and students

· Continue to be recognised as an outstanding flagship school for quality teaching and learning

. Continue to monitor and improve the curriculum offer to ensure a diverse and rich choice for students


· Maintain a focus on wellbeing to promote a happy and positive workforce

· Support the induction and continuous development of our staff

· Ensure a safe environment for students and staff to work in


· Ensure the Governing Body provides effective support and challenge

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