Students are comfortable expressing themselves and supported by the school to embrace their individuality

Student Life

We have high expectations of our Sixth Form students within an informal and friendly environment where you are treated respectfully as a young adult.

Students are permitted to leave the site from breaktime (11.10am), whenever they do not have lessons.

A-levels and Level 3 courses are demanding and you will be very busy! The sixth form area has been planned carefully as a crucial part of the new build and provides a state-of-the-art study and social area right in the heart of the school.

Included in this is dedicated Sixth Form ICT provision, allowing students to access a large number of internet linked computers. Within the Study Area there is a Sixth Form Café, serving hot and cold food and drinks from 8.30am.

Sixth Form students also make full use of our large modern Library which provides further access to ICT and is equipped with new multimedia resources and a constantly growing book stock. Important journals such as New Scientist, Economics Review and emagazine (the journal of English Language and Literature), are available here.

However, the most important resource within the Library is the library staff, who go out of their way to support students with their work including helping students find sources and material for their studies. There is a specialised introduction to the Library for all Sixth Form students during one of the induction sessions to help students make the most of this excellent facility.

In both the Study Area and Library there is always a lovely atmosphere as students relax and carry out independent study in these informal settings. Teaching is outstanding at Whitley Bay High School and teachers devote a huge amount of time to making their lessons challenging, interactive and fun. This is the main reason why students enjoy their learning experience in the Sixth Form.

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