A statement regarding the potential closure of Monkseaton High School is available to download from the Parent Letters and Key Publications section of the website.

This section includes questions we are frequently asked by parents and students



As there are no Induction Days, how will I be inducted into WBHS?  

Please try not to worry about this. We will work hard to ensure that when you are able to come into school that you will not be immediately starting lessons. We plan to have an Induction for Year 8 on Friday 3rd September, where you will be able to meet your Head of Year, other key staff and your tutor. You will be able to spend time with your new tutor group and have a look around the school. In the meantime, you will be working through some induction activities  

Will I be with people I know in my tutor group?  

You will always be in a tutor group with other students from your school and by the end of your first week you will have got to know everyone in your tutor group and have made new friends. Students regularly talk about how they have really enjoyed meeting new people in their tutor group and the long-lasting friendships they have made as a result.  

How will I know who my tutor is and how will they get to know me?  

We will let you know who your tutor is before you start at WBHS. Even though you might not be able to meet your tutor before the summer, we will be asking you to fill in a ‘personal profile’ all about you so your tutor can start to get to know you before you meet.    

What happens if I get lost?  

No problem! Before you start any lessons, you will receive a map of the school and hopefully been able to watch our video tour. When you first arrive to school, we aim to set up small group tours so you can have a look around. If you do get lost, there are maps all around the school site or stop and ask a fellow student or member of staff who will be happy to help you.   

What happens if I feel like I don’t know very many people?  

There are lots of ways you can get to meet new people in WBHS. We will set up activities on your first day to make it easier to get to know people, but there are lots of clubs and societies you can join too. This is a great way of meeting likeminded people. You can always talk to your tutor or Head of Year if you would like some help meeting new people or joining a club.   

Can I go out for lunch? How long is lunch time?   

The aim is that you will be eventually able to go out for lunch. This is always on the understanding you can be respectful to our local community and return to school in time for lesson 4. There is also an onsite school canteen, which students and staff rave about! Lunch is from 12.25-1.15pm.   

Will I get a school planner?   

We advise all students to use the mini homework folders provided to organise homework as well as keep items such as a map of the school, your ID card etc. However, we understand that students like to organise themselves in their own way, so you can bring in your own diary or use your phone to log homework. We will show you some excellent apps in tutor time you can use.  

You will be asked to bring a school bag containing a pencil case to school each day to help stay organised.   

What if feel like I need some extra support in school about how I am feeling?   

We have a large pastoral team here to offer additional support. This includes your tutor, Head of Year, two Assistant Heads of Year, The SEN support team, a school counsellor and other pastoral staff. Wellbeing is one of our top priorities as a school and something we do a lot of work on so we advise all students to talk to us at any point if they feel they would like some help.   

What time does the school day start and finish?   

The school day starts at 8.50am where you spend some time with your tutor and then finishes at 3.15pm (except on a Tuesday when it finishes at 2.15pm). You will have five 1 hour lessons per day (four on a Tuesday).   

Can I use my phone in school?   

As a school we pride ourselves in keeping up to date with the latest technological research and advances including the benefits of using phones for learning in lessons. Therefore, you can bring your phone to school provided it is on silent and in your bag for lessons unless your teacher has given you permission to use it in the lesson for learning. We also understand the importance of safety and that having your phone with you will enable you to feel safe on your way to and from school.   

How big are tutor groups? Can my child be with their friends in their tutor group?  

There will be no more than 25/26 students in one tutor group.  

Tutor groups are carefully put together using a wide range of information including Year 9 option choices. We work closely with middle school Heads of Year and other pastoral staff to ensure that each tutor group is well balanced and that your child has students from their current middle school in their tutor group. High school can be a great way to have a fresh start, meet new people and we ensure there are lots of different ways your child can get to know new people.  

What do I do if I have a concern or a question in relation to my child?   

We always welcome parents keeping in touch with us. This can either be by email or phone with your child’s tutor, Head of Year/pastoral team member or subject teacher. You can call the main office any time and ask to speak to a member of staff who will be happy to help. Staff will be teaching during the school day so they may not always be able to get in touch immediately, but we will always respond.  

How often to I hear about how my child is doing?  

As a Year 9 parent, you will receive a progress check to let you know how your child has settled into school within the first half term. We also plan to run an ‘information evening’ in September as well as a tutor evening where you can meet your child’s tutor planned for the end of October. Following this, you will receive a further progress check plus a written report. There is also a Year 9 GCSE Options Evening in January of 2022. If you would like any further updates, then you are always welcome to get in touch.   

Is there an opportunity to come in and talk to my child's tutor or teachers?  

Yes, there will be a tutor evening where you will meet with your child’s tutor within the first half term and then a virtual subject evening where you can talk with your child’s teachers at the end of January 2022. Again, if at any point you would like to speak to your child’s tutor, or a subject teacher don’t hesitate to call or email them.  

You will also receive a parent handbook with further information about our school including policies, uniform and other key information in the coming weeks. Please also check the lower school tab of the website for further details. 

If you have any other questions, please just ask!  

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